Virtual reality
Quality of Experience and virtual reality: an exhaustive literature review

A joint effort between industry & university, made possible by the TETRA program of VLAIO
A collaboration between UGent (research group imec-mict-UGent), Howest (research group HITLAB) and 16 companies (mostly Flemish), we will work on the following challenges in the next two years:
The intended goal of technology exploration is that the target group has actively experimented with three phases that are important when deploying XR technology in user research:
What are the current state-of-the-art tools to efficiently and inexpensively set up immersive environments in which user testing and training can take place?
How do you use XR platforms that allow for realistic interaction with objects, the environment and avatars during a virtual user test?
What are the methods and algorithms to translate objective user data based on sensor data into concrete industry-standard (ISO standards) user experience reporting?
Here you can find news updates.
Virtual reality
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